Steve Jobs與ICT教育系列(2) – 56歲不一樣的一生,不一樣的見解

註:本文原本今年年初已草,現在Steve JobsW已離開我們,媒體只會報導他在2005年的畢業禮上Stay Hungry, stay foolish的演講,鮮有他全面的講話,不如擇錄如下:


園丁最近讀到二師兄的筆記部落格中的一篇關於Steve JobsW的個人言行,值得分享。




Apple II (1977)

Macintosh (1984)

NeXT(1985)/ Pixar(1986)

NeXTSTEP 作業系統,Mac OS X 的基礎 / Pixar, 電腦動畫的巨大成功

Jobs Talks About His Rise and Fall – Newsweek 1985/09/30,剛離開蘋果電腦時的訪談

Steve Jobs: The Rolling Stone Interview (1994)

Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing, by Gary Wolf | The Wired Interview

All About NeXT:

iPod (2001),與音樂產業

[All Things Digital] Steve Jobs Onstage at D1 (2003),談iPod與音樂、內嵌於音樂程式iTunes的Music Store.

  • Steve Jobs 認為 computer 繼 Personal Computer、Internet 革命之後,接下來是 PC as a Digital Hub 的革命(相關可參考 Steve Jobs introduces the 『Digital Hub』 strategy at Macworld 2001 [YouTube])。因此提到 iPod 做為 PC 的 satellite device 而非內建無線網路。
  • PDA/Cell Phone/Tablet? No plan for tablets then, when Microsoft promoted Tablet PC. Keyboard has beaten handwriting! 蘋果決定將其當時的資源用以做 iPod 而非 PDA,當時 iPod 銷售量為 700,000。看影片不如用 PC 的大螢幕!全線 Mac 已採用燒錄機與 iDVD。
  • 談 iPod 與音樂、內嵌於音樂程式 iTunes 的 Music Store. DRM as a middle path between music industry and Napster. 展示 iTunes Music Store. 最後的 Q&A 值得一聽。

After releasing iTunes for Windows:
Steve Jobs: The Rolling Stone Interview (2003)

[All Things Digital] Apple’s Steve Jobs at D2 (2004)

  • 談論關於 iTunes Music Store 與音樂產業
  • 所受最大壓力而尚未推出的產品是 PDA(Steve Jobs 返回蘋果後撤了 Newton 產品線),然而當時很少人用它來輸入而是輸出資訊,故手機將取而代之。
  • 談論 Apple Retail Store 成果(然而到目前為止,香港一間都沒有!!)
  • Digital Hub Revolution: iPod dock to a computer. It’s all about iTunes@PC as syncing/backup/storage center.
  • Media Center PC is not selling! (HP sold 200,000 in a year, not even a flat by Apple’s standard) Rather than that, Apple develops Dock to computer(iTunes) and Apple TV. (People are familiar with computer but actually not want to do all stuff on that, as a media controlling center.)
  • Play music in stereo: Airport Express. But there were no remote and no Air Video Streaming! (Now they are, in years, in 2010 with Remote app in iOS devices and AirPlay in iOS4.2.) Also said that people don’t watch movie on those small devices.
  • iPod as a specialized $400 computer. Apple continue to get new iPod’s price down. iPod mini sold for $249 was thought of $50 too expensive, but actually you can’t any one in the stores!
  • Apple不實做 Windows Media Audio (wma) 的 DRM(iTunes 是將 DRM-free WMA 轉成 AAC,且當時有其他音樂商店販售 DRM WMA 格式,稱市佔率少於三成),他們寧願用來作更多創新產品或強化既有產品與服務(台灣的 iNmusic 初期也是賣 DRM WMA,這些賣 DRM 音樂的廠商不實作自己的 DRM 就幾乎只有選擇 WMA 一途。Apple 推動 DRM-free 之後,DRM WMA 更幾乎消失了。)
  • 談論 Steve Jobs 與他的 Pixar 動畫電影工作室。
  • Q&A: 影片市場和音樂市場不一樣,因為影片已經有許多銷售方式(音樂當時只有賣CD),且人們持續追求影片畫質(正版因而容易勝出,電影業對於 HD 畫質影片銷售方式也會是關鍵),也持續追求音質直到mp3音質比CD差卻勝出!);畢竟人們的視覺重於聽覺。

[All Things Digital] Apple’s Steve Jobs at D3 (2005)

  • 當時 iPod 不採用足以看影片的大螢幕、需使用電腦來同步、不內建無線網路的理由:music shopping experience、尺寸會無法放進口袋中、電池效能考量、且 iPod 的音樂體驗目的只需耳機即可逼近大喇叭(看影片的螢幕大小則很重要)。
  • Why not an iPod Phone? Cell phones have been used to listen to music. (上述幾點將於二年後由更具革命性的多點觸控大螢幕 iPhone 一次解決)
  • 一直沒有 iTunes Music Renting/Subscription Services: 想要的消費者不多、建構費用高
  • Demo: Podcast
  • 當時 Walt Mossberg 質疑 Mac 的市占率依然很低,個位數。
  • Demo: Mac OS X Tiger, with Spotlight and Dashboard.
  • Pixar: 談電影與電腦動畫電影

Thoughts on Music, Steve Jobs, February 6, 2007:iTunes Store販售音樂全面DRM-free化(當時稱之為iTunes Plus)的開始。

[Discovery Channel] iPod History (on Google Videos)

iPhone (2007),與手機軟體產業

The Best iPod+Phone+Internet device, 多點觸控介面

[All Things Digital] Apple’s Steve Jobs at D5 in 2007,談 iTunes Plus(DRM-free music)、剛發表的iPhone、展示Apple TV。(癮科技中文報導)

[All Things Digital] D5 Conference: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Steve Jobs speaks out: the keys to the company’s success |

iPad (2010),與數位出版、數位影音產業

iPad App Store 軟體產業發展中

iPad延續了iPhone的思維,在Safari瀏覽器上不支援Flash Player plugin而想推廣 HTML5:

  1. Thoughts on Flash, Steve Jobs, April, 2010
  2. 蘋果官網推出相關頁面: HTML5 ShowcaseiPad Ready Websites
  3. Steve Jobs on Flash, Adobe and Other Technology Apple Doesn’t Use Anymore, D8 Conference, All Thingsd Digital.
  4. 這導致了Adobe開發拖延多年的 Flash Player 10.1 for Smart Phone終於全面上市,譬如 Flash Player 10.1 Demo on HTC Desire, RIM Playbook 等等…

[All Things Digital] D8 Conference: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs Documentary 2010 (aired on bloomberg on 14th of October 2010)


App Store中心管制第三方軟體的理由:How Apple plans to catch the bad iPhone applications

D8 Video: Steve Jobs Explains His iAds Restrictions (And Blames Flurry)

iTunes Ping:隱私權設定容易Steve Jobs on Why Facebook Is Not Part of Apple’s New Ping Music Social Network: “Onerous Terms”(D8, All Thingsd Digital)


All About Steve Jobs

Emails From Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs – Wikiquote

Steve Jobs, 『Computers are like a bicycle for our minds.』

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address (YouTube) (iTunes U No.23)

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